This page is used for listing the laws governed in this country. 

Article 1

(As amended by the constitutional law of November 9, 1943)

Lebanon is an independent, indivisible, and sovereign state. Its frontiers are those

which now bound it:

On the North: From the mouth of Nahr Al-Kabir along a line following the course of this

river to its point of junction with Wadi Khalid opposite Jisr Al-Qamar.

On the East: The summit line separating the Wadi Khalid and Nahr Al-Asi, passing by the

villages of Mu'aysarah, Harbanah, Hayt, Ibish, Faysan to the height of the two villages of

Brifa and Matraba. This line follows the northern boundary of the Ba`albak District at the

northeastern and south eastern directions, thence the eastern boundaries of the districts of

Ba`albak, Biqa', Hasbayya, and Rashayya.

On the South: The present southern boundaries of the districts of Sûr (Tyre) and Marji`yun.

On the West: The Mediterranean.

Article 2

No part of the Lebanese territory may be alienated or ceded.

Article 3

The boundaries of the administrative areas may not be modified except by law.

Article 4

Greater Lebanon is a Republic the capital of which is Beirut.

Article 5

(As amended by the Constitutional Law of December 7, 1943)

The Lebanese flag shall be composed of three horizontal stripes, a white stripe

between two red ones. The width of the white stripe shall be equal to that of both red stripes.

In the center of and occupying one third of the white stripe is a green Cedar tree with its top

touching the upper red stripe and its base touching the lower red stripe.